spynotes ::
  May 25, 2004
Honest Blogger

I don�t usually do the ubiquitous quizzes. In fact, I believe this is my very first, but I thought it was more pertinent than most. So why do you do that thing you do and how do you do it?

The honest blogger quiz (courtesy of veg and missleigh):

1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog?

Hell, no. I try to look hot when I go to the grocery store because of the cute guy at cash register 7. Besides, I don�t post pictures of me in my blog.

2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered?

Only to reduce their size or to remove my likeness. AJ's abiding cuteness is 100% natural.

3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks email you?

It hasn�t happened yet (Ptui! Ptui!).

4. Do you lie in your blog?

No, although I�ve been known to run a couple of stories together to save time. I�m lazy that way.

5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog?

Not especially. I prefer to be active about my aggression. You got a problem with that?

6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop?

Nope. But I think I might threaten to quit answering questions like this one.

7. Are you in therapy? If not, should you be? If so, is it helping?

Nope, nope, and nope. I was in therapy for about two minutes. My therapist sent me away because she thought I was wasting her time. She was right.

8. Do you delete mean comments? Do you fake nice ones?

I haven�t had any mean ones, nor have I faked any nice ones. I have, however, been known to click on my own banners for the sole purpose of increasing my clickthrough percentage. How pathetic is that?

9. Have you ever rubbed one out while reading a blog? How about after?

Ew. This is a family computer. And no.

10. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less?

Probably a little less. I�m better on paper.

11. Do you have a job?

Sort of. I�m in grad school and I think of my dissertation as a job. But the payscale bites.

12. If someone offered you a decent salary to blog full-time without restrictions, would you do it?

Give me the contract. Where do I sign?

13. Which blogger do you want to meet in real life?

Hmm, there are quite a few. But if I have to just name one, I guess it would have to be the first blog I read regularly,mimi smartypants. Especially if she�d bring that cute Nora along.

14. How many bloggers have you made out with?

None. More�s the pity.

15. Do you usually act like you have more money or less money than you really have?

Neither, at least not intentionally. I try not to think about it.

16. Does your family read your blog?

No, but they know I write.

17. How old is your blog?

One year in July.

18. Do you get more than 1000 pageviews per day? Do you care?

No. I�m averaging around 60 or so these days, I think. And yes, I do care, although I�m not sure why. I�m a total stats whore.

19. Do you have another secret blog in which you write about being depressed, slutty, or a liar?

If I did, do you think I�d mention it here? But no. This is my only journal of any kind, apart from a paper diary where I keep records of the garden, a place where I find it impossible to be any of the above. If I were depressed, slutty or a liar, I�d probably write about it here. It would make things a lot more interesting.

20. Have you ever given another blogger money for his/her writing?


21. Do you report the money you earn from your blog on your taxes?

I�m supposed to be getting paid for this?

22. Is blogging narcissistic?

Of course. But it�s better than making my friends and family listen to me ramble on about all this crap.

23. Do you feel guilty when you don't post for a long time?

Absolutely. I rarely miss a day because of it.

24. Do you like John Mayer?

Not enough there to love or hate. I love listening with my teenaged nieces though. They swoon.

25. Do you have enemies?


26. Are you lonely?

Occasionally, but not often. I like alone.

27. Why bother?

Compulsion. I began in order to keep up my daily writing habit as I moved into a research phase of my dissertation, but it quickly took on a life of its own. Although I�ve kept diaries on and off since I was a kid, I�ve never before been this consistent for this long.

0 people said it like they meant it

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