spynotes ::
  August 29, 2004
Stormy weather

The storm has mostly blown through. There was much rain and wind, but I�ve seen far worse. However, the timing of the storm was such that the heaviest rain hit shortly after high tide, making the causeway through the marsh nearly impassible. Also both bridges out of here are closed to traffic anytime the winds hit 40 mph, and as they were up to 70 mph, they were closed until noon. Combined with the downed trees, widespread flooding and massive power outages, we decided to stay put, where we have power, food and lots of room for AJ to play. We will leave tomorrow after all.

The bridges are a particular sore point in the area at the moment. Both bridges are new within the last year. Previously there were drawbridges at both locations, which were much lower to the ground (and thus not affected by wind advisories), but which frequently got stuck in the open position, effectively cutting off everyone out here from the mainland. After a disastrous hurricane evacuation a few years ago, when people got stuck in a dangerous storm because of bridge failure, they built new ones high enough to accommodate boat traffic beneath them and eliminating the draw bridge. But their height poses another problem. If you live far enough out, it is quite conceivable that if you wait for an official evacuation order that you won�t make it to the bridges before they close.

The rain has mostly stopped, although the clouds still look ominous and the wind is still fierce. Still, it is a vast improvement over this morning when I looked out the window to see palm trees bent nearly double with the force of the storm, when a bird, attempting to land in a tree, was blown into the side of the house, when showers of palm fronds rained down on the driveway. Our car, parked outside, looks as if it has been equipped for a covert maneuver, camouflaged in fallen debris.

I can hear the ocean from the house, even with the doors closed. I love walking on the beach after a storm. I think it is a good thing to be reminded every now and then that there are forces beyond your control. There is nothing like an angry ocean to make you feel very small.

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