spynotes ::
  May 18, 2005
By turning, turning we come round right

I have written about twice as much as usual for today�s class and I will probably not even look at my notes except to read quotes because, come on, it�s Copland and Stravinsky and a little bit of Bartok. I love this stuff.

I spent some time yesterday afternoon screening Martha Graham in Copland�s Appalachian Spring. It�s been a number of years since I�ve seen this film, but when I happened upon it in the library, I knew I had to show some of it. The film of Appalachian Spring was made in 1958 (13 years or so after she first danced the work) for a TV broadcast. Martha looks damn good for 65. She�s amazing to watch. When I first encountered this film years ago when I was rehearsing the work for a concert series, it changed the way I hear the piece entirely.

Yesterday AJ and I did a replay of last week�s trip to the library, grocery store and home for a picnic lunch of sushi and bagels (for AJ) and sushi and salad (for me) while reading our newly acquired library books. The weather was not quite as warm as last week and most of the plum blossoms are gone, but it was still nice to sit under the tree and watch AJ chase butterflies around the yard. I love that there are some moments he wants to relive so much that he wants to replicate them exactly�we had to have our food on the same plates, I had to sit in the same spot on the blanket, everything the same. Only the stories were different.

I spent the rest of the day worrying about today�s class. Only one more crazy Tuesday of cramming for Wednesday�s lecture and I�m free. I�ll be sad to see the class go, but it�s also hard not to get swept up in the general campus-wide sense of pining for summer. Now if only I can keep up the work pace to get the diss finished in a couple of months. I know I CAN do it, but the question is, will I?

0 people said it like they meant it

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