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  October 28, 2005
Look a little on the sunny side

Okay, baseball talk will officially cease until next season. Thanks for putting up with me. We shall now return to our regular programming, here on the Academic Neuroses channel. Why? Because I made the mistake of looking at my calendar last night before I headed up to bed. Did you know the conference at which I�m supposed to give a paper is less than three weeks away? Well, neither did I. Have I written the paper yet? Of course not.

I have been entirely too blas� about this one, as it is based on a paper I delivered three times last year. The whole idea behind my paper submissions this year was that I wouldn�t have to do any work. The problem is, I�m not actually very good at that. The other problem is that this paper has always suffered from an identity crisis. As my advisor pointed out, it will make a good article when I get around to it �after your dissertation,� he said with mock sternness. But I can�t seem to decide whether I�m talking about the film I�m discussing or I�m talking about my analytical method. Problem number three, of course, is that an analytical paper would be a lot stronger, particularly for the type of conference I�ll be speaking at this time. But, of course, it would be a lot easier to do the other thing. So my perfectionist tendencies are wrestling with my lazy ass and I�m not sure who�s winning. I�m also not sure I can think about the ramifications of that particular metaphor anymore. Time for a new paragraph!

Of course, one might point out that none of this would be a problem if I had say, started the paper a month ago. But then, one might get a punch in the nose.

The other thing that�s making me tear out my hair is that my advisor offered some suggestions for the problem that weren�t as useful as they sounded at the time he mentioned them. Actually, I�m sure it�s not his fault. It has more to do with our advisor/advisee dynamic. When I get comments on things like this, I�m so incredibly grateful that I don�t think about them very carefully until later, at which point I frequently realize that I�m really not sure what he was getting at, by which point I�m usually too embarrassed to ask for a point of clarification [Ack! A reference to Robert�s Rules! Clearly with all this thinking about conferences my Model U.N. past is coming back to haunt me.]

But clearly writing about my angst here is not getting the paper written. Time to grit my teeth and smile.

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