spynotes ::
  December 08, 2004

Every now and them I have my pointless anxieties (e.g. yesterday�s self-indulgent entry) flailed out of me by a realization of how I really have nothing to complain about. Today�s lesson learned was courtesy of a brief article in the NY Times about The Point Foundation, an organization that helps kids who�ve been disowned by their families after coming out to them. The foundation provides successful applicants with mentors/surrogate parents and college scholarships. I�m often a sucker for the stories of kids who are screwed in life who manage to hold onto their goals with virtually no encouragement. This particular story hit home, though. It reminded me of my high school friend P.

P. moved into my high school district my senior year and we quickly became friends. He was smart and funny in that deflective way that I knew so well. My use of humor as defense was all about overcoming shyness, but his had a more sinister source. After a few months, pieces of his story began to come out. His mom had remarried and his stepfather didn�t like him. After years of agonizing, P. finally came out to his mom, which went okay, but when his stepfather found out, he began beating him. Savagely. And frequently he would lock him out of the house. Finally he threw him out altogether. P. was taken in by an aunt and uncle in our school district. Partway through the year, the aunt and uncle were transferred to another state, but they let P. continue living in their apartment for a few months so he might graduate, which he did. I lost track of him after that. He moved to California after graduation to find a life for himself and hopefully go to college, if he could find the financing. Support from an organization like the Point Foundation like this would have made a real difference to him.

But P.�s story appears to have a happy ending. After reading the article, I did a quick internet search for him. He has his own business and owns a home with his partner of many years. They are active and respected in the southern community they call home.

I'm not sure I'm ready to relive my high school years by getting back in touch -- I've had enough of that for one week. But the Point Foundation may make it onto my list of charities for year-end support. Who's on your list?

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